
राष्ट्रीय हरित पत्तन एवं पोत परिवहन उत्कृष्टता केन्द्र
National Centre of Excellence in Green Ports and Shipping

A Co-Action Centre Between the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways and The Energy and Resources Institute

राष्ट्रीय हरित पत्तन एवं पोत परिवहन उत्कृष्टता केन्द्र National Centre of Excellence in Green Ports and Shipping

A Co-Action Centre Between the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways and The Energy and Resources Institute



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Guidelincs for Establishing a l'loa(ing Storage Rc-gasification Unit (FSRU) at Major Ports.


Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways

The Guidelines for Establishing a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) at Major Ports is a document that provides guidelines for the establishment of FSRUs within the limits of Major Ports. The Ministry of Shipping (MoS) has issued these guidelines. Any entity may set up an FSRU, but all related expenses will be borne by the entity.



Tariff Guidelines for BOT operators operating in Major Port Trust and previously governed by 2005 Tariff Guidelines


Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways

The notification was in compliance with Clause 1.7 of the "Tariff Guidelines, 2019 for the BOT operators operating in Major Port Trusts who were governed by the Tariff Guidelines of 2005.TAMP notified the following Working Guidelines to operationalize the Tariff Guidelines, 2019 for Determination of Tariff for BOT Operators operating in Major Port Trusts.



Marine Engine Emission Standards for China's Domestic Vessels


Mao X

There are currently two levels of regulations available to control air emissions from ships. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nation specialized agency that regulates international shipping sets global regulations on air emissions from ships in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).



Energy policy


Cochin shipyard Limited

The energy policy of Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) is focused on optimizing the use of various forms of energy in a cost-effective manner to conserve energy resources.



Guidelines on New Research studies on port and Inland Water Transport Sector


Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways

The Transport Research Wing (TRW) of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways collects, compiles, and disseminates time series data on Ports, Shipping, Ship Building and Ship Repairing, and Inland Water Transport.



Stevedoring and shore Handling policy for major ports


Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways

Stevedoring means loading and unloading and stowage of cargo in any form onboard the vessels in Ports; Shore Handling includes arranging and receiving the cargo from the hook point, inter modal transport from wharf to stackyard and vice-versa and also receiving and delivering of cargo from to trucks, Stevedoring and Shore Handling of vessels in major ports.



The National Waterways Act, 2016


Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterway

The Act was enacted to make provisions for existing national waterways and to provide for the declaration of certain inland waterways to be national waterways. It also provides for the regulation and development of these waterways for the purposes of shipping and navigation. The Act identifies an additional 106 waterways as national waterways.



Tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP) Amendment


Ministry Of Port, Shipping and Waterways

This act recognized Inland Water Transport (IWT) as a fuel-efficient, cost-effective, and environment-friendly mode of transport. It declared 111 (5 existing and 106 additional) waterways as national waterways. The systematic development of national waterways would open up untapped economic and transportation opportunities in the country.



The Gazette Of India: Extraordinary


Ministry Of Shipping

This policy notification from the Ministry of Shipping of India, dated February 29, 2016, regarding the implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, for the working and living conditions of seafarers on Indian ships.



Ports Policy Review of Chile: Case-Specific Policy Analysis


International Transport Forum

The report assesses ports policies in Chile, a country highly dependent on maritime trade. The quality of Chile’s ports has a direct impact on the country’s economy. The report offers a series of recommendations intended to help further develop Chile’s ports policies.

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India International Cargo Show 2023: Exhibition



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